The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: March 12, 2020 BOE Meeting
Calendar Revision
The Board approved amending the 2019-20 calendar to make March 13, 2020 a Professional Day instead of a student attendance day so that teachers and staff could prepare for distance learning in the event that schools are closed after Spring Break due to COVID-19. The student attendance day was added to the end of the calendar, making Friday, May 29, 2020 the last day of school for students if no other make-up days are needed.
Program Evaluations
Program Evaluations for Early Childhood and School Age Special Education were presented to the Board. In 2018-19, 495 school age students and 91 early childhood students were served. Strengths of these programs include compliance with state and federal requirements with integrated classrooms and early intervention, collaboration with community partners, brain-based social/emotional model (Conscious Discipline) integrated across all classrooms, and increased resources to support the special education program. Increasing student achievement and persistence to graduation, as well as decreasing suspension rates are areas targeted for improvement.
Estimated Tax Levy
Districts are required to annually project estimated, non-binding tax levy rates to be submitted to the County Clerk in April. The Board approved an estimated total tax levy rate of $5.143 for 2020, which represents no change to current taxes. Official tax levy rates are typically set in the fall each year.
Bond Projects
The Board approved a contract with NW Rogers for upgrading the entry vestibule at Meadowmere Elementary to enhance security. The upgrade will take place over the summer.