Regular Open Meeting Brief – July 16, 2020
The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: July 16, 2020 BOE Meeting
Virtual Learning Platform
The Board approved the purchase of a uniform Pre-K–12 management platform to build a digital learning environment which will greatly simplify and organize virtual lessons for students, teachers and parents. This proven platform is used by numerous universities around the country. Staff and family surveys identified organization and simplification of virtual lessons as an improvement need. The implementation of Canvas will assist in shifting “emergency virtual learning” into authentic on-line learning that can be utilized during situations beyond emergency shutdowns.
Curriculum and Instruction (C & I) Update
The Board heard a presentation from C & I regarding preparations for the 2020-21 school year. The district is committed to ensuring the children of the Grandview C-4 school district are getting a high-quality education, even if health considerations require changes in the delivery of learning. The C & I team is planning details of three different approaches to instructional delivery: all students in school, an alternating schedule where students would attend on-site part-time and remote part-time (hybrid), and all instruction occurring remotely at home. Whether on-site or remote, the curriculum will focus on student mastery of important priority standards and assessments that provide feedback to students on their learning, and will include direct instruction, attendance taking, and grades.
Performance Contract
The Board adopted a resolution allowing the Superintendent to execute a performance contract with Johnson Controls for ten facilities improvement measures that include, among several other projects; upgraded lighting, improved water efficiency, and HVAC replacement at a cost of $257,000 annually for 20 years. The district will not incur professional service costs from architects and engineers, which is typically 10-20% of project costs. Payment is contingent upon savings achieved on an annual basis. Utilizing this alternative funding mechanism will allow the district to maximize the use of future bond funds to complete other projects.
Safety Survey
Results of the spring safety survey were shared with the Board. The survey indicated that 90% of elementary students know how to report an unsafe situation, over 91% of middle school students feel save in their school, an increase in the percentage of high school students who indicated “not at all” to the extent that weapons, gang activity, drug use and harassment have increased at school. Overall, parents (88%) and staff members (85%) feel save in their school. While the results of the study show many positive trends, they also indicate where improvement is still needed.