Regular Open Meeting Brief – October 20, 2022
The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: October 20, 2022 BOE Meeting
School Improvement Plans (SIP)
The Board heard SIP presentations from Grandview High School, High Grove Early Childhood Center and Meadowmere Elementary School. The SIP format includes root cause analyses and 30, 60, and 90 day reviews to determine if adjustments to the plans are needed throughout the year. Goals include enhancing social, emotional and behavioral supports and competency, improving teaching, learning and academic growth, and partnering with parents and the greater community to create meaningful connections in support of students.
Professional Development Plan
The Board approved the 2022-23 Professional Development (PD) Plan. Goals include ensuring diversified learning experiences and achieving academic targets for students, and creating a culture of employee empowerment to provide each student access to a qualified and effective teacher in every classroom, an effective principal in every school, and an effective employee in every position. PD activities are designed to improve student performance by providing high quality adult learning opportunities.
District Discipline Committee
The Board heard a presentation from the District Discipline Committee that outlined their objectives and activities since Spring 2022. The Committee gathers discipline data and monitors for consistency, collects feedback from administrators, parents/guardians and students and makes recommendations for revisions to discipline regulations.
Purchase of Visitor-side Stadium Bleachers
The Board approved the purchase of visitor-side stadium bleachers which will seat approximately 1100 individuals. In April 2021, Grandview C4 voters approved a $45,000,000 no-tax-increase bond issue to provide funding for facilities improvements over the next several years. The District’s Facilities Improvement Team prioritizes potential projects.