Regular Open Meeting Brief – December 19, 2024
The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: December 19, 2024 BOE Meeting
Real-World Learning
The Board reviewed and approved an evaluation of the district’s Real-World Learning program. The evaluation includes data analyses of college preparation and placement, enrollment in career centers/academies, market value asset attainment, and student participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) classes. The district has experienced sustained and significant growth in Real-World Learning programming in recent years.
Curriculum & Instruction Update
The district’s 2024 Annual Performance Report (APR) includes points for both performance and continuous improvement by measuring academic achievement and growth in English Language Arts, math, social studies and science; and other DESE indicators that define success-ready students. Grandview C-4’s 2024 APR shows an overall score of 127.5/200 points, or 63.7%. The district excelled in continuous improvement with 86.6% of points earned, highlighting significant growth in English Language Arts. Math and attendance are earmarked for focused improvement. The district’s 2024-27 school improvement plan establishes goals and strategies that support annual continuous improvement in APR performance. This is the first full year of the current Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP6). Accreditation status for all Missouri school districts will not be impacted until after three full years of MSIP6 implementation.
School Improvement Plans
Principals from Belvidere, Butcher-Greene, and Conn-West Elementary Schools presented their School Improvement Plans (SIPs) that were developed by their building Leadership Teams (BLTs). Goals geared toward increasing student achievement in literacy and math, and increasing a sense of belonging and ownership in the school community, were developed using root cause analysis and 30, 60, and 90-day plans to evaluate the effectiveness and adjust the plans as warranted in order to accomplish established goals.
Annual Audit Report
A representative from the auditing firm DSWA presented the audit report for the 2023-24 fiscal year showing a clean opinion with no material weaknesses or significant findings. DSWA determined that the District complied in all material respects with the types of compliance requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs. Additionally, DSWA noted that a financial strength of the District is that it is well below the constitutional long-term debt limit even with the passage of a $50M bond issue in April 2024.