Board Briefs – January Meeting 2025

Regular Open Meeting Brief – January 16, 2025 

The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: January 16, 2025 BOE Meeting 

Real World Learning for Students 

Grandview C-4 continues to increase opportunities for students to have Real World Learning (RWL) experiences and options for earning industry recognized credentials and other market value assets while in high school.  The district shares some pathway classes with neighboring districts to broaden access to RWL in areas such as graphic design, barbering/cosmetology, welding, health fields, first responders and most recently with advanced manufacturing programs hosted at Grandview High School (GHS).   Eric Wollerman, President of the KC National Security Campus operated by Honeywell, spoke about the commitment Honeywell has to the partnership with Grandview C4 School District.  As a result of this partnership, students in the advanced manufacturing program at GHS have access to top-quality equipment, teachers who have interned at Honeywell, and volunteers from Honeywell who are able to share work life experiences with students and answer questions about careers opportunities. 

Mid Year Assessments 

The Curriculum & Instruction Department assesses all kindergarten through ninth grade students on math and reading three times a year using the iReady Assessment.  These assessments are used to identify enrichment opportunities for students achieving at grade level or higher as well as needed adjustments to interventions for students not yet at grade level, with a goal of 80% or more of students scoring on or above grade level by 2027. 

School Calendar for 2025-2026 

The Board approved the calendar for school year 2025-26.  The calendar is substantially similar to the current year calendar except that Spring Break starts on the fifth Monday in March.  Statutes require that the calendar includes 169 student days (minimum of 1044 student hours) and six built-in snow days.  The first day of school next year will be Tuesday, August 19, 2025.