Board Briefs - November Meeting 2016

The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: November 17, 2016 BOE Meeting

Notice of Board Elections

The Board approved a legal notice outlining the available positions, terms and timelines for candidates interested in filing to serve on the Board of Education. The notice can be accessed at this link:

Annual Performance Report

The Annual Performance Report (APR) is a state evaluation of the district on five standards for the purpose of determining accreditation. The five standards include student achievement, subgroup achievement, college and career readiness, attendance and graduation rate.  The District scored 78.6% of available points on the 2016 APR which is a 4.3% dip from last year, but remains in the “Accredited” range.  This score is comparable (+/- 2%) to 2016 APR scores from Belton, Center and Raytown.

Bond Refunding

The Board approved the refunding of two series of bonds which resulted in a net savings of  $759,000 on future interest.  Funds from the sale of bonds are used for facilities construction or improvements.  Refunding of bonds can be likened to refinancing a home loan to receive a better interest rate in order to reduce a mortgage payment.

No-tax Increase Bond Proposal

The Board discussed a possible no-tax increase bond issue of $9,000,000,000 for the April 4, 2017 election for continued facility improvements including fire safety upgrades, roof replacement/repair, classroom enhancements and continued maintenance of aging facilities.