The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: August 17, 2017 BOE Meeting
Enrollment Update
First day of school total enrollment/attendance reflects a slight decrease as compared to 2016 first day of school totals. As families continue to enroll students through the first weeks of school it is anticipate that enrollment numbers will be similar to last year.
Annual Performance Report (APR)
An overview of the Annual Performance Report (APR) was presented to the Board. The APR provides an annual performance review which incorporates data for a three-year period using the 5th Cycle Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 5) scoring guide. The MSIP 5 scoring guide evaluates the district and site levels on five state standards for the purposes of determining district and site level accreditation. The five standards are Academic Achievement, Subgroup Achievement, College and Career Readiness (CCR), Attendance and Graduation Rate. Student achievement is determined from student scores on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and End of Course (EOC) tests. Final APR data from 2016/17 is anticipated to be released in November.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Review
The Board reviewed progress toward meeting goals as defined in the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) for year four (2016/17) of the five-year plan. The CSIP establishes goals under five Focus Areas which include Governance, Student Achievement, Staffing, Facilities, Support and Instructional Resources, and Parent/Community Involvement. Student achievement information reflects data from the 2015/16 MAP and EOC tests because results for the current year are not finalized until the fall after the assessments are administered in April. The CSIP can be viewed on the district website at:
Fire Alarm Upgrades
The Board approved administration’s request for a change order to the fire alarm upgrades at GHS, GMS and HG Early Childhood Center to include updating panels and duct detectors.