Board Re-organization
Due to the resignation of Board President, Wayne Terpstra, because of increased job-related time commitments, the Board elected Leonard Greene (formerly the Board Vice-President) as President and Ron Haley as Vice President. Both will serve in those positions until the April 2018 re-organizational meeting that occurs every spring after the April Board elections.
School Improvement Plans (SIPs)
The Board heard SIP presentations from the principals of Grandview Middle School (GMS) and the Martin City K-8 (MCK8). SIP goals included increasing achievement in English Language Arts (ELA), math and science on standardized tests, increasing student attendance and nurturing a positive school culture/climate.
Annual Performance Report (APR)
Board received information provided by DESE regarding the determination that Algebra I and English II scores across the State will not be used in this year’s Annual Performance Report (APR) calculations due to concerns related to test integrity. Districts will be held harmless in these areas and will not score fewer points than the previous year in those two areas. Final APR results will likely be made available from DESE in November.
Annual Audit Report
A representative from the auditing firm DSWA Certified Public Accountants presented the Audit Report for the 2016-17 year showing a clean audit with no material weaknesses or significant findings. DSWA recommended three suggestions for strengthening internal controls. Additionally, DSWA noted that a financial strength of the District is that it is well below the constitutional debt limit.
New Bus Camera System
The board approved the purchase of a new bus camera system for all buses. The new system will provide more cameras per bus, increased reliability and better clarity. The new technology also contains a self-diagnostic feature that allows drivers to visually confirm the system is operational during their pre-trip inspections.