Board Briefs - May Meeting 2018

Regular Open Meeting Brief – May 17, 2018

The entire meeting agenda can be viewed at: May 17, 2018 BOE Meeting

Program Evaluations

The Board of Education approved the program evaluations for Guidance & Counseling and English Language Learners (ELL). The District employs 13 counselors, a social worker and 3 support staff to implement the four components of the Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program (MCGP).  Elementary counselors allot most of their time to system support and responsive services (immediate needs and concerns of students), while secondary counselors spend the majority of their time on individual planning toward academic and career success.  The ELL population in the district continues to increase in number and severity of student needs. The biggest increases are at the secondary level.  The district currently serves over 400 ELL students and employs 7 full-time ELL teachers.

Facilities Management Services

The Board of Education supported the administration's recommendation to contract with Sodexo to provide maintenance and custodial services beginning July 1, 2018.  The process of evaluating contracting for these services began in January 2018.  Current custodial and maintenance employees who are vested in the retirement system will remain Grandview C4 employees.  Administration believes contracting with Sodexo has the following advantages; increased training opportunities, improved efficiency through Sodexo’s buying power and expertise in facilities management, improved appearance through implementation of a dedicated grounds crew, supervisory responsibilities shifted away from principals so they can devote more time being instructional leaders and best practices solutions for building and grounds safety.

District Wellness Committee

The District Wellness Committee meeting held in April focused on initiatives related to social-emotional wellness and mental health.  Dr. Rodrequez updated the Board on several of those initiatives including trauma awareness training, suicide prevention policy/program, student assistance program, and mental health screening through the Cornerstones of Care partnership.  Valuable input is received from students, parents and community partners during the Fall and Spring annual meetings.

Meal Prices

The Board of Education approved a modest five cent increase in lunch and breakfast meal prices for the 2018-19 school year:  Elementary breakfast - $1.65, lunch - $2.40;  Middle School breakfast - $1.85, lunch $2.50;  High School breakfast - $1.90, lunch $2.65.