Facilities and Maintenance Services

The Facilities and Maintenance Department of the Grandview C-4 School District is operated by Sodexo.
The department maintains 11 buildings in the district. It is also responsible for the upkeep of 125 acres of grounds.
Using Our Facilities
Grandview C-4 School District allows the use of its facilities by approved users. Each use requires that a "Request for the Use of School Building Facilities" form be completed.
Please read the following prior to submitting the request:
1) Approved facility users are subject to cancellation when conflicts arise with the use of a facility for a school event.
2) Facilities shall be used by non-school groups and commercial organizations ONLY if there is a custodian or responsible school representative present. A district employee must present at all events, at all times.
3) Security services may be required depending on the number in attendance and the nature of the event. The need for security services will be determined by the Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Finance. The cost associated with these services will be billed to the organization.
4) The use of any equipment is forbidden; exceptions only if noted on the Facility Usage Form, approved by the building administrator and supervised/operated by a district employee.
5) Concession rights at any activity are reserved for school groups unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Finance.
6) Sponsoring organizations are to provide adequate supervision prior to the scheduled event, during the event, and for a reasonable time after the event. Gambling, drinking, possession of alcohol and/or controlled substances, firearms, or other improper conduct on school premises is strictly prohibited. The inability to maintain adherence to these rules and provide proper and adequate supervision of participants could lead to denial of future access to school district facilities.
7) Non‐school organizations and commercial groups MUST provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance in advance with Grandview C‐4 School District named as an additional insured party. The organization granted use of the building should agree to pay for all damages to school property beyond ordinary wear. The school district does not assume any liability due to accidents either by participants or other persons during the time of group or organization use. NO APPLICATION WILL BE APPROVED WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION.
8) Non‐School organizations (except for Commercial users) shall furnish written evidence that seventy‐five percent (75%) of the participants in the event are residents of the Grandview C‐4 School District.
Building | Exempt School Groups | Non-School Organizations | Commercial Organizations |
School Classroom | $0.00 | $9 | $18 |
Elem. Multi-Purpose Room/Cafeteria | $0.00 | $54 | $72 |
Middle School/CAIR Auditorium/Gym | $0.00 | $108 | $135 |
Middle School Cafeteria | $0.00 | $54 | $72 |
Senior High Cafeteria | $0.00 | $72 | $90 |
Senior High Auditorium | $0.00 | $225 | $450 |
Senior High South Gym (Small) | $0.00 | $225 | $450 |
Senior High North Gym (Large & Air-Conditioned) | $0.00 | $225 | $450 |
Senior High Football
Field/Track (Day-Time Use)
$0.00 | $225 | $450 |
*If the usage is at a time when custodial personnel is not regularly on duty, in addition to the rental costs above, we may add the actual cost to the district of a custodian which is time and a half plus benefits, minimum of two (2) hours. The same is true for cafeteria personnel if access to a kitchen is required. No kitchen may be operated without school district Food Service personnel present. Additionally, if it is deemed necessary to schedule security services, the cost associated will be billed to the organization.
Facility Usage Form
Submitting Work Requests
Each school site submits work orders through the School Dude Maintenance work order system. Work/issues outside of the scope of or unable to be completed by the custodial staff are submitted to the work order system by the head custodian or assigned personnel with the principal's approval.
Work Orders are then routed to the appropriate trade/staff member to provide the required services.
All work orders are given priority and completed as soon as possible based on their priority.
After Hours Emergencies
For after-hour emergencies and weekends please call 816-337-2541
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
Under the AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) and in compliance with Federal Rules and Regulations 40 CFR part 763 (Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools), the School District Board of Education maintains a complete updated copy of an “AHERA Management Plan” for each facility under its administrative control.
In addition, schools "shall make management plans available for inspection to representatives of EPA and the State, the public, including parents, teachers, and other school personnel within 5 working days after receiving a request for inspection" (763.93(g)(3)). Furthermore, "the local education agency shall notify in writing parent, teacher, and employee organizations of the availability of management plans and shall include in the management plan a description of steps to notify such organizations and a dated copy of the notification. In the absence of any such organizations for parents, teachers, or employees, the local education agency shall provide written notice to that relevant group of the availability of management plans and shall include in the management plan a description of the steps taken to notify such groups and a dated copy of the notification" (763.93(g)(4). The AHERA Management Plan is available for review in the Administrative offices of each building during normal school hours.
Grandview Facility Operations capacity as a Designated Person(s), and Roth Environmental Consultants, Inc. as Inspector, Management Planner, Engineer, and Consultant to the School District/Board of Education, has advised the Board that it is in compliance with AHERA regulations and meets the General Local Education Agency responsibilities as outlined in Section 763.84 of CFR 40 Part 763.
April 19, 2021